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Blog #5 Exploring Topics and Creating a Research Proposal

When it comes to deciding a topic to write about, I am possibly the worst at making the decision. In both English class and in the real world, I am one of the most indecisive people you will ever meet. I can't ever decide what I want to eat, what I want to wear, how I want to do my hair, or anything. In an ENC class, this effects me in a little more of a serious way, considering I have grades at stake. When picking a topic to write about, I've always found it helpful to do the free-writing technique. I am familiar with calling it a "stream of consciousness." I will practice one now:

bagels, spongebob, mtv, the bachelor, so you think you can dance, new york city, pizza, home, delray beach, the sub shop by my house, acai bowls, sorority rush, that's dancing's professional technique studio, more bagels." It is absolutely crazy when you read it, but in my head, I have thoughts like this come out all of the time. So for exploring topics, this is the best way for me.

As for creating a research proposal, it is all about figuring out what you are going to write about. You address your topic, identify questions to answer in your research, and set the outline for what you are going to be researching. As a girl who's mind goes from left to right every 5 seconds, a proposal is an effective way to establish exactly what you need to learn for your paper.

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