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Blog #9 Revising & Remixing Your Work

When revising & remixing your work, it is crucial to consider your process, peer feedback, and development and to work your project into new genres. An easy way to track your process and progress is to track your changes. Tracking your changes enables you to look back at where you started, and see how you've made adjustments and changes to your work. Once you're comfortable with your revised project, it is time to begin remixing. In Project 3, we are going to remix what we have learned in our communities into a three genre campaign. Mat explained in class that we will be converting our second project into different genres for the third project, like hanging flyers about the community, using chalk on the sidewalks, Facebook group pages, etc. As I am completing my final draft for Project 2, I am looking forward to the remixing process that begins this week!

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